
BuDhaGirl KOI Rose All Weather Bangles

Inspired by the legendary koi fish, these handcrafted Pink bangles are a celebration of the power and significance of red—a color that pulses with life, passion, and energy.

Embrace your journey with BuDhaGirl KOI.

Benefits: Weightless, Soundless, Waterproof, and TSA-proof!

The Serenity Prayer is a timeless mantra that accompanies each bangle, serving as a beacon of inner peace and courage. It goes like this: May I be granted the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Mindful Glamour Ritual: Our Mindful Glamour Ritual encourages you to embrace the present moment. Pause. Breathe. Slide on each Etoile All Weather Bangle®, With every intention set, embark on your day with a sense of purpose and mindfulness.

Jessica's Thought: Remember, inner peace transcends circumstances, and intentions do shape outcomes.

Qty available: 2